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Many years ago, I fell in love with watercolour and decided to learn how to paint. I am mostly self taught aside from a little time spent at the Ottawa School of Art.

After winning "Best in Show" at my first juried exhibition with The Ottawa Watercolour Society, I was on my way.  This led to a fun-filled 15 year career as a background artist for animated films. During this time,  I learned to paint in many mediums and styles.


My love of landscape painting was enriched when I moved  to Yellowknife in The Northwest Territories.

Exhibits in Yellowknife include a three person art show and sale in 2014 as well as a one-woman show in 2017.


Prior to my 10 year adventure in the north, many of my paintings have been on exhibit in and around the Ottawa area.


I moved across the country in 2022 and now live in Kimberley BC.  Here I have discovered an exciting and inspiring new world.


My new "Western Art" gallery reflects my continued love of painting nature! 

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